Kid’s Spaces

kidspace4A kid’s bedroom is an exciting place for a child, and a place that allows your child to change the appearance or function of the room over time, as they get older. Children’s bedrooms are often themed depending on the child’s interests, hobbies or favorite color. So, you need to take into account the type of children’s furniture bed you are going to use. Pick out bright colors and easy care bed linens that can harmonize with the bedroom’s whole theme. Think as a child.

Based on what the needs are for the interior design of a children’s bedroom, an interior designer will use modeling programs and concept sketches to get an idea of how to put the room together. The interior design of a bedroom may include selecting furniture that will support the functions of the bedroom, such as beds and desks, as well as the appearance of the room, including paint and window treatments.

These childrens’ rooms seem fit for realistically sized (real small) spaces. The ideas are simple yet striking and can be improvised upon and incorporated into your child’s room with ease.kidspace3

Imagine having storage baskets on your ceiling as a child… Can you imagine it? Check out this awesome storage idea for a child’s room. these pulleys and hanging baskets are a fun DIY home improvement to help turn your fun-but-messy child’s room into a mostly organized (but not always, we all know kids!) room. Each basket holds a specific set of animals, toys, supplies…and it’s labeled on the wall where the string holding it up is anchored. I think this is fun, very creative and useful.

These are some of my favorites that I found on Pinterest and on the internet. There are tons of ideas out there so you will never get stuck!

Traditional Made Untraditional

Tired of your same old traditional pieces but you still want your home be filled with history and character?  Magic!  We have it in our power to give pieces more character with a little paint and imagination. Handy places to go are the Salvation Army, or just drive up and down streets where you know people throw away their old furniture or maybe a family member has stuff in their attic or basement. Pick it up for free and start having fun.

Card Catalog Project

repurposedcardcatalogThis card catalog project is one of the coolest Pinterest DIY home improvement ideas we’ve seen out there. Not only does it turn something we all probably consider boring into something new…it also helps get our friends talking!

You can turn an old card catalog into a wine holder. Not only will people think you’re book smart because of the library accessory, but once they see the wine you’ll be labeled as creative!

Turning old things into new, re-purposed household items is becoming a hot-ticket item in today’s housing market. In fact, you can find a lot of blogs out there right now that offer ideas on recycling old stuff into new.

Renew an Old Cart

teacartmakeover1 Finding an old tea cart is easy. Once found start to… sand, prime, and paint the cart to make it new again. When dry, use a pencil to sketch a simple design on the cart. Cut scrap booking  paper into small pieces, then use decoupage glue to secure the pieces over the design. Cover the finished motif with two more coats of decoupage glue.

Transform an Upholstered Chair

Although this chair was sturdy and well-made, the upholstery and wood finish were worn and shabby. Carefully remove the old fabric and save it to use as a pattern for the new fabric specially chosen for your decor.  Then get creative and clean, sand and paint the wood to the desired color and look. Use dome headed upholstery nails around the curves and AMAZING! A new, old chair.

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There are many place to go and visit online of old traditional furniture made new. Here are a few more examples:   

Old Dresser Conversion

This is an amazing transformation from old to new. The top four drawers were removed and replaced with colorful pink basket. First remove the knobs. Wash and remove any dirt and grease, then paint them. Remove the top 4 drawers and make use of them in another project like in the picture above the drawers. Finish of the inside area of the drawers. Then sand the entire piece and paint it white. Layer the paint in light layers and sand in between coats with a paper towel instead of sandpaper. The paper towels remove the roughness without removing excess amounts of paint. When the white is on in nice smooth coats and dry, use your favorite stencils or paint your own design on the front of the bureau. In the end you have an amazing piece handcrafted by you.

dresser makeover    drawermakeover1

Hassock Conversion

Nice big old hassock can be converted into a fun playful hassock for a playroom. This old hassock has sturdy legs added to the bottom and a fun pink ruffled cover was made as a slip cover with added pockets. Use the pockets for TV controls, paper, or maybe even your favorite stash of candy.

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Old Trays Made New

Maybe your mom, grandmother or a friends, has some of the old metal trays. They are in so easy to find in flea markets, and yard sales. Even if they are rusty, they are a gem. Clean them up, give them a good sanding and put on a stencil or start doing your own design.   So fun!!

These are some very clever ideas to transform old traditional to untraditional.  Maybe you have already done some clever transformations yourself and you would like to share them with us. You are most welcome to do so.

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